

Introducing the
24 September 2024

You've got your own JetBrains extension, open source on GitHub, but you need to figure out HOW to publish it to the JetBrains marketplace - this new GitHub Action can help!

Introducing the 'Open Bin Folder' Visual Studio - for Mac - extension!
04 July 2023

I decided to port another of my Visual Studio (for Windows) extensions over to Visual Studio for Mac!

Introducing the 'Super Clean' Visual Studio - for Mac - extension!
19 April 2023

Visual Studio for Mac gets left out of the loop sometimes when we talk about extensibility, unfortunately. I decided to learn how, and this is my story!

Introducing the 'Breakpoint Notifier' Visual Studio extension!
09 April 2023

Another new Visual Studio extension based on a request from a friend. Take a look, let me know what you think!

Introducing the 'Visual Studio VSIX Signer' GitHub Action
06 April 2023

Before you deploy that Visual Studio extension, you may want to sign it so folks know you're legit. This GitHub Action can help!

Introducing the 'Visual Studio VSIX Versioner' GitHub Action
05 April 2023

Having problems versioning that Visual Studio extension you're trying to publish through a GitHub workflow? I gotchu.

Introducing the
04 April 2023

You've got your own Visual Studio extension, open source on GitHub, but you need to figure out HOW to publish it to the Visual Studio marketplace - this new GitHub Action can help!

Introducing the 'Super Clean' Visual Studio extension!
03 April 2023

I released another new extension for Visual Studio, and I want you to know about it!

Introducing the 'Open Bin Folder' Visual Studio extension!
02 April 2023

I released a new extension for Visual Studio, and I want you to know about it!

Extending Visual Studio CodeLens Functionality - Part II
01 April 2023

You've got your own Visual Studio extension with custom CodeLens entries (because you used part I of this series), but now you find yourself needing to call code in the main extension host FROM the CodeLens Provider. How? Read on!

Is CodeLens Enabled?
08 June 2022

What this did, however, is gave us cause for figuring out if CodeLens is enabled in Visual Studio at all (our provider doesn't do much good if everything is disabled).

Extending Visual Studio CodeLens Functionality
24 May 2022

If you have your own Visual Studio extension, and you want to add your own custom CodeLens entries - I'm here to help, because I just (finally!) figured out how to do this (plus a few extras!)