Launch of the .NET Bytes Podcast!

Launch of the .NET Bytes Podcast!

Just a quick post today about the launch of our new podcast, “.NET Bytes”. And, by “our”, I mean me and Matt Groves (of Cross-Cutting-Concerns fame)

The idea behind this podcast is to be an aggregate source of news about .NET / C# / Visual Studio / etc., but to your headset instead of your eyes. We’re also planning to highlight a project (probably from and potentially others.

Our release schedule right now is every two weeks (drop on Monday mornings at 7am), but if things pick up and we need to switch to weekly, we will. Or, we’ll do a special release when necessary, if something big happens.

We’re going to do our best to keep each episode to around 20-30 minutes - so lots of information, in a short time frame.

The podcast has been submitted to Apple, Google, and Spotify, but may not be live at the time of this writing.

Please let us know what you think, you can leave comments on individual episodes through our website), or tweet us at @dotnetbytes

And, please, tell your friends?

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